Leasing Impressions

Leasing Impressions is a creative interior design and real-estate company who offer a unique blend of top-tier design talent generally associated with big firms and leases a number of quality real estate properties around downtown Midlothian, Texas. One of their notable works would include the development of Founders Row. We built 3 responsive websites, one that showcases their interior design portfolio & services, a listing of quality real estate properties and a gateway page. The sites are responsive and are built in on a content management platform.

Web Development

Leasing Impressions Gateway Landing Page
Leasing Impressions Design Website
Leasing Impressions Properties Website

Brand Development

Leasing Impressions Logo Horizontal
Leasing Impressions Logo Vertical
Leasing Impressions Design Logo Horizontal
Leasing Impressions Design Logo Vertical
Leasing Impressions Properties Logo Horizontal
Leasing Impressions Properties Logo Vertical