This video is an original creation, from “SOUP” to “NUTS”.
Thanks to those who helped to create and produce it.
And thanks to all for watching it and sharing it with others.
The Soup:
Original music written expressly for this video by the band, Welcome to Wednesday.
(Their latest album is titled “SOUP”)
Welcome to Wednesday
Kyle Foster – Drums/Vocals
George Fox – Guitar/Vocals
Joey Hadden – Bass/Vocals
Trent Rush – Lead Vocals/Guitar
Melissa Hadden - Management
The Nuts:
The cast of characters who decided that a production of this magnitude was a good idea at such a busy time of year – and then somehow managed to pull it off.
Written, Produced and Directed by:
Holmes Millet Advertising
HM4 Productions
David Holmes – Executive Producer and Chief Executive of “How Much is This Costing?”
Jeff Millet – Writer/Producer and Director of “Who Cares, It’ll Be Great!”
Scott O’Reilly – Director/Camera/Editor and Director of Video Wizardry
Noah Johnson – Director/Camera/Editor and Alchemist of Animation
Philip Moore – Producer/Set Design/Graphics and Director of Making it Look Good
Tom Miller – Graphic Design and Director of Precision and Accuracy
Brant Wedel – Interactive Development, App Maniac and Director of Dazzling with Data
Clint Gunter – Interactive Development and Miracle Working Website Virtuoso
Jeff Whitfield - Interactive Development, Diviner of Data and Website Shaman
Brian Millet - Production Assistant and Director of “Let’s get it Done Already”!
Tonja Millet - Wardrobe - The Diva of Dress
Velma Puente - Hair and Makeup - Magician of Make Overs
Casting and Talent Management:
Mary Collins - President and Agent for Stars Merry & Bright
Kim Trusty - Talent Director and Grande Dame of Smoke & Mirrors
Alice Galipp - Operations Manager and Holiday Bean Counter
Sara Rhodes - Agent's Assistant and Christmas Cat Herder
Jennifer Ackerson - Administrative Assistant and Master Bell Jingler
Audio Recording and Editing:
James Neel – Recording, Editing and Mixing - Chief Audio Magician
Janice Garner – Recording, Editing and Mixing - Mistress of the Mix
Kendra Wilson – Executive Director of Twirling, Leaping, and Gliding Gracefully About.
Professional Actors:
Mary Collins Agency
Thespians, Players, and Performers Par Excellence.
Akin Babatunde
Anne Beyer
Stephen Cabrero
Tanika Cato
Michael Clemons
Chad Cline
Bob Coonrod
Jessica Craft
Vanessa DeSilvio
Cynthia Dorn
Pam Dougherty
Catherine DuBord
Ricco Fajardo
Kimberly Fiddes
Jennifer Green
Maritza Guerrero
Martha Harms
Carolina Imperial
Jim Johnson
Alexandra Lawrence
Leticia Magana
Julie Mayfield
Rob McCollum
Doug Miller
Matt Ransdell, Jr.
John Rawley
Katy Rowe
Lynne Rutherford
Cara Serber
Patty Silva
Dustin Simington
Kirk Sisco
Louanne Stephens
Jeff Swearingen
Anna Terry
Eric Vale
Jack Watkins
Molly Welch
Sam Williamson
Amateurs, Extras and Helpers:
Our long suffering and ever good natured friends, families, hopefuls and helpers.
Sarita Cabrero
Doug DeSilvio
Travis Holden
Danielle Holway
Dana Hurt
Colby Landrum
Jackson Millet
Savannah Millet
Avery Moore
Neiman Moore
Robert Nelson
Alec O’Reilly
Brian O’Reilly
Rita O’Reilly
Karen Purcell
Jennifer Rawley
Kaleigh Rawley
Shae Ray
Duce Roddick
Steve Rowe
Jeff Serber
Libby Serber
Allie Serber
David Stewart
David Swinney
Evie Swinney
Mia Swinney
Joaquin Swinney
Julian Swinney
Austin Terry
Connor Terry
Aliyah Threadgill
Elizabeth Threadgill
Abby Williamson
Alex Williamson
Abra Watkins
Jackson Watkins
Pierce Watkins
Lauren Witte
Pups of the Silver Screen:
Petey Magic Mayfield
Lulu Rawley
Feedo Rutherford
Teddie Stephens
Set Design:
Sandunga Dance Studios - Carrollton
Town Center - Grapevine
Downtown - Dallas
Uptown - Dallas
Homes and Businesses across the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metro
Holiday Exclaimer!
While this video is solely intended to spread good tidings and bright cheer to all of you, our friends and family. And despite all our efforts to remain non-commercial in every way, and in spite of the spirit of the season, our accounting department extracted from us a promise. Which was, to at least make the appearance of an attempt to recoup something from our efforts by reminding our viewers that our team can create any sort of video, ad campaign, audio production, website, or web app for anyone who needs such things, at anytime of year! “What harm could it do”, they reasoned, “to toot your own horns at this noisy time of year? Why everyone’s doing it. It’s all the rage!”. And so they convinced us - of sorts. And so it is, that we call on you to understand our circumstance. And to know that just a smile on your face is worth every second of time, and every scintilla of effort we put in. But in the real world… well… we sure won’t mind if you send us some business in 2014!
Ho Ho Ho! Have a WONDERFUL Season and a Happy New Year!
© 2013 Holmes Millet Advertising, Inc. / dba - HM4 Productions